My goodness, so much has happened since my last proper post that I just don't know where to begin! So just like Maria in the Sound of Music, I shall start at the very beginning...
Just after my birthday in February, I had the most wonderful time away with my family. We spent half-term in Marrakech. It was our first proper holiday in over two years and, wow, was it worth waiting for!
As the holiday approached, we had misgivings about visiting that part of the world because at the time, everything was kicking off in Egypt, Syria and Libya. But we didn't need to worry; Marrakech felt safe and the people were lovely. So, I was very sad to hear of the bomb in the main square, Djemma El Fna, earlier this month, because the Marrakech we enjoyed was untouched by the slur of terrorism.
Gorgeous Moroccan Lanterns |
Mint Tea for Three, Please |
Our holiday was everything I hoped it would be and more! The colours and fragrances of Morocco left me in a daze. It is such a culturally rich and sensuous country, if you get the chance to go, take it! You won't regret it. Don't let the cowardly thugs who would destroy lives by remote control bombs put you off. Morocco is magical. Enough said, let the pictures do the talking...
Shoe Rainbow |
More Colour and Spices |
Day Trip to Essaouira |
Good Night, Marrakech |